Gamer's tip and lifehacks

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Clash of clans


Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can be used to build defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, and to train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player must attack a series of fortified goblin villages.


Troops are divided into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Dark Elixir Troops, and Heroes. All Tier 1–3 troops are created and upgraded with elixir; other troops and heroes require "dark elixir", a special type of elixir that is only available at higher levels. Troops in each group are listed in the order that they become available.
  • Tier #1 – Consists of Barbarians, Archers, and Goblins. All take up a single housing space in the barracks and army camps.
    • Barbarians: Popularly known by serious players as "Barbs", they require the shortest training time of any troops (20 seconds). Travel at normal speed (16 units) and have moderate health and damage. Cannot attack airborne troops.
    • Archers: The first units that can attack air troops, they are relatively fast to create (25 seconds). Ranged attack troops that fire arrows at their targets, they are faster than Barbarians (1.5x), but have less health (comparing maximum-level troops, the lowest of all troops) and do slightly less damage per second.
    • Goblins: Useful for looting bases at lower levels, Goblins take 30 seconds to create. They have the highest damage per second of Tier 1 troops, not including the double damage they cause to resource buildings (gold, elixir, and dark elixir storages; gold mines; elixir collectors; dark elixir drills), but cannot attack airborne targets. Goblins are also the fastest ground-based troops (2x Barbarian speed), but have low health comparable to that of Archers. Before the winter 2014 update, they were unlocked at barracks level 3, but they are now unlocked at level 4, with Giants now being unlocked at level 3.
  • Tier #2 – Consists of Giants, Wall Breakers, Balloons, and Wizards.
    • Giants: Large (5 housing spaces) and slow troops (0.75x Barbarian speed) with robust health used mainly as "meat shields" for more fragile troops. Giants will attack defensive buildings until all of them are destroyed, and can only attack on the ground.
    • Wall Breakers: Skeletons that carry bombs, they require 2 housing spaces, travel at the same speed as Archers, attack only ground targets, and preferably target walls that guard buildings. Also take 2 minutes to train. Once they reach a wall (or, if no walls are available, a building or enemy troop), they halt for 1 second and detonate, blowing themselves up and doing damage to the target (plus splash damage). They have fragile health similar to that of Archers, and only modestly damage buildings or troops, but their damage is multiplied by 40 against walls.
    • Balloons: The first airborne unit to become available, these are Wall Breakers that have been "promoted" to manning hot air balloons, dropping bombs on ground targets that cause splash damage (they cannot attack airborne units). The slowest troops in the game (0.625x Barbarian speed), requiring 5 housing spaces and 8 minutes to train, they preferentially target defensive buildings. While they have strong damage statistics, they are they are relatively fragile at low levels, making them most useful as cleanup troops (especially in single-player missions). However, at higher levels, they have enough health to be used in high-level attack strategies.
    • Wizards: The first "premium" troops to become available, Wizards shoot fireballs or lightning bolts (depending on level) at both ground and air targets, doing splash damage. They take up 4 housing spaces, require 8 minutes to train, and travel at Barbarian speed. They have moderate health (more than Barbarians, considerably less than Giants) and the highest damage per second of all troops on a per-housing-space basis.
  • Tier #3 – Consists of Healers, Dragons, and P.E.K.K.As.
    • Healers: The only units incapable of doing damage, Healers (flying human-like female creatures) shoot healing rays at friendly troops (or, while defending a base and if no troops are available, at friendly buildings). Healers take up 14 housing spaces, move at Barbarian speed, require 15 minutes to train, and have health roughly comparable to that of a Giant. They cannot heal airborne troops.
    • Dragons: One of the strongest units in the game, the Dragon travels at Barbarian speed, has high health (equivalent to several Giants), and causes very high splash damage to both ground and air troops. These attributes are counterbalanced by its large housing space (20), long training time (30 minutes), and high elixir cost.
    • P.E.K.K.As: A heavily armored sword-wielding warrior whose exact identity is unconfirmed, the P.E.K.K.A travels at Barbarian speed and has the highest health and damage per second of all elixir-based troops. Can only attack ground targets, but can usually "one-shot" lower-level troops, and can even do the same to some buildings. The high health and damage are counterbalanced by lack of ability to attack multiple targets, slow attack speed, high housing space (25 spaces), training time (45 minutes), and very high elixir cost. In addition, its metallic armor takes double damage from Hidden Teslas (a high-level defensive trap).
  • Dark Elixir Troops– Consist of Minions, Hog Riders, Valkyries, Golems, Witches, and Lava Hounds, These troops are created and upgraded with dark elixir, and are also trained in their own "dark barracks".
    • Minions: Flying troops that resemble imps, they have the lowest housing requirements (2 spaces), shortest training time (45 seconds), and lowest cost of dark elixir troops. Minions attack both air and ground targets by spitting dark elixir. They are the fastest flying troops (same speed as Goblins), but have relatively low health.
    • Hog Riders: Hammer-wielding warriors bearing a strong resemblance to Mr. T and mounted on hogs that are capable of leaping over walls. Somewhat analogous to the Giant in that they require 5 housing spaces, train in 2 minutes, attack only on the ground, and preferentially target defensive buildings. However, compared to Giants, they travel much faster (same speed as Archers), have roughly half the health, and do several times the damage.
    • Valkyries: Wielding a two-handed axe, Valkyries take up 8 spaces, train in 8 minutes, and travel at Archer speed. Their ground-only attack involves spinning their axe at high speed. They preferentially attack groups of buildings adjacent to one another (or enemy troops), and their attacks have a small area of splash damage. Valkyries have very high health and damage, but are relatively expensive to train.
    • Golems: Occupying 30 housing spaces, requiring 45 minutes to train, traveling at the same speed as a Giant, and having extremely high health (the highest of all ground troops), the Golem is a popular meat shield for high-level ground attacks. It attacks only on the ground, doing relatively little damage for its size, and preferentially targets defensive buildings. When killed, it splits into two smaller units called Golemites.
    • Witches: Occupy 12 housing spaces, require 20 minutes to train, and travel at the same speed as a Giant. Shoot fireballs at both ground and air targets, and also summon a group of skeleton warriors at regular intervals. The summoned warriors travel at Archer speed and attack only on the ground.
    • Lava Hounds: Flying creatures, resembling a cross between a Golem and a dog, that travel slightly faster than Barbarians or Dragons (1.25x) and spit fireballs at their targets. Preferentially target Air Defenses, then other defensive buildings. Like Golems, require 30 housing spaces and 45 minutes to train, and also split into smaller units (8–12 Lava Pups) when killed. Cause relatively little damage for their size, but have the highest health of all troops, making them useful meat shields for airborne attacks.
  • Heroes - Consist of the Barbarian King and the Archer Queen. Heroes are immortal and are only trained once. They are summoned by an altar rather than being trained in the barracks (or dark barracks) like the other troops. They are trained and upgraded exclusively with dark elixir. If they lose any or all of their health in battle, the Heroes must rest on their altar for a set period to regenerate. After several upgrades, both gain special abilities in attacks. The Barbarian King's "Iron Fist" restores a significant portion of health, temporarily increases attack speed and damage, and also summons a small group of Barbarians. The speed and damage increase also affects any friendly Barbarians near the King. The Archer Queen's "Royal Cloak" is analogous to Iron Fist—the Queen recovers significant health, increases attack speed and damage, becomes temporarily invisible to enemy defenses, and summons a small group of Archers. However, unlike Iron Fist, the speed and damage increase affects only the Queen and not friendly Archers in the vicinity.


Spells play an essential role in offense. They are made in spell factory. Currently, Clash of Clans features 5 spells which are created using elixir. They are-
1.Lightning Spell- The Lightning Spell is the first spell unlocked in the Spell Factory, and is automatically unlocked once the Spell Factory has finished construction. When this spell is used, a number of lightning bolts drop from the sky, damaging all Buildings and enemy Troops randomly within a circle 7 tiles wide. The only spot that receives the full damage of the spell is the one-tile area onto which it was targeted.As of the July 1, 2015 update, the lightning spell won't affect storages.
2.Heal Spell- It takes 30 minutes to create in the Spell Factory. When placed, the spell forms a stationary ring of healing on the ground. All friendly units within the ring will be healed (ground or air), which includes Healers. It lasts for a total of 12 seconds (40 healing 'pulses' every 0.3 seconds). Heroes can also be healed by the Healing Spell, although the rate of healing is reduced to half of that of normal troops.
3.Rage Spell- The Rage Spell creates a translucent purple ring on the battlefield that boosts the movement speed and damage of any friendly units inside the ring. In the case of Healers, the Rage Spell increases their healing by a similar amount.
4.Jump Spell- The level 1 Jump Spell allows all ground Troops (except for Hog Riders, which do not need the spell) and Heroes to jump Walls. Upgrading the spell will increase its duration on the battlefield (the level 3 Jump Spell lasts three times as long as the level 1 one).
5.Freeze Spell- The Freeze Spell is used to temporarily disable defenses and/or ground troops from the enemy Clan Castle within a small radius. Until the spell's duration finishes, the affected enemy units will neither move nor attack. Enemy Troops that are not within its radius when the spell is cast are unaffected by the Freeze Spell, even if they move into the area of effect while it is still active. The Freeze Spell is currently the final spell unlocked in the Spell Factory. At its maximum level, it is the most expensive elixir spell in the game. The Freeze Spell cannot freeze any Air Troops.
As of the July 1, 2015 update, a new dark spell factory was made available. It featured 3 new spells-
1.Poison Spell- It is the first spell available in the Dark Spell Factory. It does damage to all enemy Troops, Heroes, and Skeletons inside its area of effect as well as slow them down, but does not damage buildings whatsoever.
2.Earthquake Spell-This is the second dark spell. It deals a percentage of damage to all buildings within its area of effect, except for Gold Storages, Elixir Storages, and the Dark Elixir Storage.
3.Haste Spell-The Haste spell is the 3rd and the last(till now) dark spell. Like a Rage Spell, it boosts the speed of troops in its area of effect; the Haste Spell, however, does not make them deal extra damage. The Haste Spell has a slightly smaller radius than a Rage Spell.


To earn and store gold and elixir, players must build gold mines and gold storages and elixir collectors and elixir storages, respectively. Elixir is used to train new troops, carry out research in the laboratory to upgrade troops and to build and upgrade certain buildings, mostly pertaining to buildings used in attacking another player's base. Gold is used to build defensive buildings and to upgrade the town hall, which allows access to more buildings and higher levels for existing buildings. At higher levels, dark elixir becomes available; this type of elixir is used to train and upgrade dark elixir troops and heroes, create dark spells, and fuel the "inferno tower", a defensive building that is available only at very high levels. To earn and store dark elixir, players must build dark elixir drills and dark elixir storages.
There are a number of buildings available to the player to defend their village, including cannonsmortars, bombs, traps, archer towers, and wizard towers. Players can also build walls, which can be upgraded as they increase in level.

Clan wars

Clans are groups of players who join together to support each other, either materially (donating troops) or verbally (giving advice). Players can join clans once they rebuild the special Clan Castle building early on. A major component of the gameplay of Clash of Clans is clans facing off against one another. Clan leaders and co-leaders can begin wars against other clans. Each clan is then given one "preparation day" and one "war day." When a player attacks a member of the opposing clan, they receive stars based upon the amount of destruction they cause to the opponent's community. Each player is limited to two attacks per war, and the team with the most stars at the end of the war day is declared victorious, with players receiving bonus war loot if he/she use their attacks in the war and a one more war win record in the clan description. 


Aside from gold and elixir, the game also uses gems as a currency. Gems are awarded for reaching certain milestones, completing achievements and randomly awarded when clearing certain obstacles in your compound. However, the main way to acquire gems is through in-app purchases using real world money. Gems can be used to speed up every aspect of the game, from construction times to troop training to lab research. They can also be used to purchase more resources and builders.

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