Gamer's tip and lifehacks

Monday, August 24, 2015

how to fold the fastest paper airplane alive


Step 1: Precreases

Fold a regular fold hot-dog style along the center, then fold a small reference crease hamburger style. This will be used in the next step.

Step 2: Fold the Corners to Middle

Bring the top right corner down to the middle of the paper where the two creases intersect. Bring the other corner down as well it should end up looking like this

Step 3: Fold Sides to Middle

Bring the sides of the new folds down along the center line- ignore the overhanging of the left flap underneath.

Step 4: Fold Point Behind

Now I need you to fold a mountain fold at the bottommost line and a valley fold at the point underneath where the flaps in step 2 intersect underneath the edges in the previous step. If you are confused look at the pictures.

Step 5: Fold Corners as Far as They Can Go

Take the corners and bring them down so that they can't go any further without tearing the paper.

Step 6: Mountain Fold and Round corners

Mountain fold the whole plane back and round the edge so that when it flies it gets a little lift when it flies.

Step 7: Final Steps

Fold the sides of the plane back down, aligning the sides of the point back down. Make sure you fold good creases here. After that, your plane is done! Grip the plane near the center towards the front and give it a good hearty toss. And remember try not to break anything!

Make sure you comment and rate this Instructable, it's my first one! Tell me if there's anything I could improve on, I always like supportive responses!

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