Gamer's tip and lifehacks

Monday, August 31, 2015

how to be a gamer

  1. 1
  2. Dress the part before you start (optional). Dress as if you are into games. Novelty t-shirts and hats that advertise what you like to play shows that you are serious with your gaming. You don't have to do this to be a gamer per se, but it may help you meet other gamers.
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  6. 2
    Pick an awesome user-name. Try to use something that you feel describes yourself. Using L337 (leet) is not a good way of spreading the notion that you are a gamer and also avoid something along the lines of xxxEl33tSnip3rxxx. Try to secure your moniker in as many places as you can so it doesn't get copied and everyone knows it's original.
  7. Be a Gamer Step 2.jpg
    Having X's at the beginning and end of your username is not creative or unique...well not anymore. Professionals have simple names, such as: "Fatal1ty", "spawn", "heaton" and uL71m473_94m3r .Do not copy their names, people will dislike you if you use the same name as a professional and play on public servers.
  8. Be a Gamer Step 3.jpg
    Play games. It takes practice, practice, practice, and even more practice to become an awesome gamer. There are many games out there you can use to sharpen your skills.
  9. Be a Gamer Step 4.jpg
    Spend time on the computer and the game systems. Work to bring up your game skills. Even if you've beaten a game, there are other ways to play it, like speed running and sequence breaking. These can force you to improve your skills.
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    Explore. Looking for new games, demos, downloads, etc. is excellent. No one in the world is just going to come to you and say "Hey take this game." You must explore for new games and other merchandise.
  11. Be a Gamer Step 6.jpg
    Take up a war-gaming hobby (optional, some people don't enjoy this genre). Flames of War, Gears of War, Warhammer, LOTR, and many others are great war games.
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    Learn L337 (leet)(optional). This is not really that important, but it is fun. Sometimes, gamers use this language when playing online. Some even use it in real life. You will probably be ridiculed for using it, but it is useful to understand those who do.
  13. Be a Gamer Step 8.jpg
    Become familiar with games, and consoles. Make sure you know how the physics work, for example how high and far you jump. Maybe even a bit about their history.
  14. Be a Gamer Step 9.jpg
    If you are going to play on a Computer, then be sure that you have the right equipment. A strong CPU and a powerful graphics card, lots of RAM and a good LCD screen and mouse can make wonders. But remember that it isn't only the equipment that does it all. Lowering graphics settings to keep a consistent high frame rate is important.
  15. Be a Gamer Step 10.jpg
    Remember NOT to play only one genre of games. There are many more fun games, not just shooters. RPG, Action, Strategy! They're all fun games.
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    Counter Strike, Call of Duty, MAG etc are all great choices for gaming. However it doesn't have to be a shooter. Starcraft, Red Alert 2 and Age of Empires are good strategy games. There are other great games that may be less popular, but are no less difficult or rewarding, as well.
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    Remember. Gaming is useless if you don't have fun!
  18. Be a Gamer Step 13.jpg
    Take breaks. Don't be that guy who has no life and spends his entire day on Xbox. If your real life friends invite you to hang out and you've been gaming all day, don't keep gaming, go outside with them!
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    Edit step
    Find friends who enjoy games too! It is a fun way to make friends! Play online with them and make clans.

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